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“Characterization of Nanoscopic Cu/Diamond Interfaces Prepared by Surface-Activated Bonding: Implications for Thermal Management”,
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シンクロトロンX線トポグラフィーによるβ型酸化ガリウムの欠陥評価 - [153] R. Sato, Y. Chiba, M. Chikamatsu, Y. Yoshida, T. Taima, M. Kasu, and A. Masuda, “Investigation of the power generation of organic photovoltaic modules connected to the power grid for more than three years”,
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金ゲート電極材料によるダイヤFETの特性向上 - [150] Niloy Chandra Saha, M. Kasu,
“Heterointerface properties of diamond MOS structures studied using capacitance–voltage and conductance–frequency measurements”,
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“Band alignment of Al2O3 layer deposited NO and SO2 exposed (001) H-diamond heterointerfaces studied by synchrotron radiation X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy”,
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NOとSO2p型ドーピングによるMOS界面のバンドアライメントの測定 - [146] S. Masuya, M. Kasu,
“Dislocations in chemical vapor deposition (111) single crystal diamond observed by synchrotron X-ray topography and their relation with etch pits”,
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“Crystal defects observed by the etch-pit method and their effects on Schottky-barrier-diode characteristics on β-Ga 2O3”,
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β型酸化ガリウムの欠陥がSBD特性に与える影響 - [140] T. Oshima, A. Hashiguchi, T. Moribayashi, K. Koshi, K. Sasaki, A. Kuramata, O. Ueda, T. Oishi, and M. Kasu,
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高温アニールによるHPHTダイヤモンドの転位や積層欠陥が運動することを見出す。 - [138] J. Liang, S. Masuya, M. Kasu, and N. Shigekawa,
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ダイヤモンドRF-DC変換(レクテナ)の報告 - [136] Makoto Kasu,
“Diamond field-effect transistors for RF power electronics: Novel NO2 hole doping and low-temperature deposited Al2O3 passivation”
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ダイヤモンドFETの基盤技術のレビュー。 - [135] S. Masuya, K. Hanada, T. Moribayashi, H. Sumiya, M. Kasu,
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β型酸化ガリウムのエッチピットの起源 - [133] O. Ueda N. Ikenaga, K. Koshi, K. Iizuka, A. Kuramata, K. Hanada, T. Moribayashi, S. Yamakoshi, and M. Kasu,
“Structural evaluation of defects in β-Ga2O3 single crystals grown by edge-defined film-fed growth process”,
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“Relationship between crystal defects and leakage current in β-Ga2O3 Schottky barrier diodes”,
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β型酸化ガリウムSBDの欠陥とリーク電流との関連 - [131] T. Oshima, R. Wakabayashi, M. Hattori, A. Hashiguchi, N. Kawano, K. Sasaki, T. Masui, A. Kuramata, S. Yamakoshi, K. Yoshimatsu, A. Ohtomo, T. Oishi and M. Kasu,
“Formation of indium–tin oxide ohmic contacts for β-Ga2O3”,
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“Diamond epitaxy: basics and applications”,
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ダイヤモンドエピタキシャル成長のレビュー論文 - [128] S. Masuya, K. Hanada, T. Uematsu, T. Moribayashi, H. Sumiya, and M. Kasu,
“Determination of the type of stacking faults in single-crystal high-purity diamond with a low dislocation density of < 50 cm−2 by synchrotron X-ray topography”,
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シンクロトロンX線トポグラフィーによるHPHTダイヤモンドの転位の観察 - [127] M. Kasu, K. Hirama, K. Harada, and T. Oishi,
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まず高移動度でn型伝導性を示すAlNの結晶成長が可能にし。p型化も実現し、半導体で世界最短波長210nmの電流注入発光を観測した。 - [63] Y. Taniyasu, M. Kasu, and T. Makimoto,
“Increased electron mobility in n-type Si-doped AlN by reducing dislocation density”,
Applied Physics Letters vol.89, p.182112 (2006). - [62] K. Ueda, M. Kasu, Y. Yamauchi, T. Makimoto, M. Schwitters, D. J. Twitchen, G. A. Scarsbrook, and S. E. Coe,
“Diamond FET using high-quality polycrystalline diamond with fT of 45 GHz and fmax of 120 GHz”,
IEEE Electron Device Letters vol.27, p.570-572 (2006).
水素終端ダイヤモンド表面のp型伝導性を用いたFETを作製し、世界最高の遮断周波数を達成し、ダイヤモンドFETのミリ波帯増幅の有用性を実証した。 - [61] K. Ueda, M. Kasu, Y. Yamauchi, T. Makimoto, M. Schwitters, D. J. Twitchen, G. A. Scarsbrook, and S. E. Coe,
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高純度ダイヤモンドを用いFETを作製し、現在実用されているGaAs パワーFETの2倍に相当する1GHzの高周波出力電力を得た。ダイヤモンドのマイクロ波帯パワーデバイスの有用性を世界に示した。 - [55] T. Makimoto, Y. Yamauchi, T. Kido, K. Kumakura, Y. Taniyasu, M. Kasu, and N. Matsumoto,
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- [1] Y. Taniyasu, M. Kasu, and T. Makimoto,
“An aluminium nitride light-emitting diode with a wavelength of 210 nanometres”,
Nature vol.441, p.325-328, (2006).
- [2] K. Ueda, M. Kasu, Y. Yamauchi, T. Makimoto, M. Schwitters, D. J.Twitchen, G. A. Scarsbrook, and S. E. Coe,
“Diamond FET using high-quality polycrystalline diamond with fT of 45 GHzand fmax of 120 GHz”,
IEEE Electron Device Letters vol.27, p.570-572 (2006).
- [3] M. Kasu, K. Ueda, H. Ye, Y. Yamauchi, S. Sasaki, and T. Makimoto,
“2 W/mm output power density at 1 GHz for diamond FETs”,
Electronics Letters vol.41, p.1249-1250 (2005).
高純度ダイヤモンドを用いFETを作製し、現在実用されているGaAs パワーFETの2倍に相当する1GHzの高周波出力電力を得た。ダイヤモンドのマイクロ波帯パワーデバイスの有用性を世界に示した。